Tag Archives: Herbalism

Paw Paw (Asimina triloba)

Exploring the many gifts offered by Paw Paw trees the in the context of Food Forest Design. Pawpaw is an unbelievable tree and fruit. Imagine a fruit the size of a mango, that smells like the most exotic tropical fruit. Cutting it in half reveals an incredibly sweet, rich, custard-textured flesh that has a flavor […]

The first wave and second wave of pre-orders of my book have been shipped out and now I am preparing to send out the third wave

The first wave and second waves of shipments of my book have been delivered and I am grateful for all the positive feedback and thoughtful messages I have been receiving thus far. All the preorders of my book destined for people residing in Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, France, UK, Japan, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand, […]