Category Archives: Uncategorized

Paw Paw (Asimina triloba)

This post explores the many gifts offered by Paw Paw trees the in the context of Food Forest Design. This is Installment #6 of the Stacking Functions in the Garden, Food Forest and Medicine Cabinet series. Pawpaw is an unbelievable tree and fruit. Imagine a fruit the size of a mango, that smells like the […]

24 Spring Foods To Forage For In 2024 (MM4) 

This is the audio clip from the fourth segment of the “Mounsey Minute” series on Media Monarchy which aired recently! Full #MorningMonarchy: March 27, 2024 episode can be listened to here: 24 Spring Foods To Forage For In 2024 #MounseyMinute: Day one of my 12 days of eating weeds series: Dandelion Previous […]

The first wave and second wave of pre-orders of my book have been shipped out and now I am preparing to send out the third wave

The first wave and second waves of shipments of my book have been delivered and I am grateful for all the positive feedback and thoughtful messages I have been receiving thus far. All the preorders of my book destined for people residing in Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, France, UK, Japan, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand, […]

The bulk shipment of the physical copies of Recipes For Reciprocity : The Regenerative Way From Seed has arrived at my home!

The bulk of the first printing run of my book is now in my possession I will now begin to package and ship out the books to all kickstarter backers within Canada and any other international destinations outside the U.S. on my day off work. I will post another update when I have begun packaging […]

The First Printing Run of Recipes For Reciprocity is fresh off the presses and being shipped to me in bulk!

I just received word that the first printing run of my book was successfully completed and is now being packed up to be shipped to me in bulk. Here are some pics from the printing, section sewing and “perfect binding” process: (The image above shows one of the first stages in the printing/binding process. First […]

My Book is Finally Done! Recipes For Reciprocity is now available as an Ebook! I am very excited to announce that my book is done and finally ready to publish digitally and soon it will be sent off to the presses! It has been a long time coming and I want to thank everyone who supported my Kickstarter campaign (waaaaay back before the long years of the scamdemic) […]