I am very excited to announce that my book is done and finally ready to publish digitally and soon it will be sent off to the presses! It has been a long time coming and I want to thank everyone who supported my Kickstarter campaign (waaaaay back before the long years of the scamdemic) […]
Additional book suggestions and a links to some good video presentations at the bottom: – The Holistic Orchard by Michael Phillips – Trees for Gardens, Orchards, and Permaculture by Michael Crawford – Farming the Woods by Ken Mudge and Steve Gabriel – Integrated Forest Gardening by Daniel Halsey, Wayne Weiseman, and Phil Ruddock – The Forest Garden Greenhouse by Jerome […]
Exploring the foods and natural compounds that assist the body in detoxing dangerous chemicals related to GMO agriculture and the chemical industry Given the seriousness of the chemical spill that happened in Ohio recently (and the resulting giant mushroom cloud of toxic chemicals after the chemicals were lit on fire) I felt compelled to gather […]
Click link below to read the article on my blog:
This article provides info on how to grow Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in pots, exploring the many health benefits of ginger and offering some recipe ideas to enjoy your future harvests Ginger is a medicinal powerhouse and culinary extraordinaire that is a must have in your natural first aid kit and kitchen pantry. In the article […]
In Celebration Of The First Day Of Autumn 2022! Read the full blog post here:
The following material is an excerpt from Recipes For Reciprocity which provides info on how to cultivate kale from seed, companion plant beneficial ally crops along side it, tend the crop, harvest it and then save seed from the second year plants (allowing one to perpetuate the cycle of abundance). With so many benefits, kale […]
While I was sorting kale seeds I had saved from our garden a few years back I was thinking about how I come across a lot of people who see the spiritual, psychological, emergency preparedness or (at the least) the nutritional value in gardening, but for some reason think it’s not financially viable and use […]
Thank you so much for your support and thank you for caring about the living planet that sustains us all! We are all in this together and each of your contributions to this book shows that even during tough times many are ready to choose caring, nurturing, solutions based thinking, self-empowerment and sharing their love […]
We Made It!! Thanks to your continuing support we made it to the stretch goal and I will now be creating a bonus Super-Food e-book for everyone who has pledged (and those who pledge in the next couple days) to get copy of my recipe book! 😊 Thank You for making this possible! The bonus e-book will […]